Make sure you read fine print before booking, since these fees are not added to your bill until you checkout. All Las Vegas hotel disclose their resort fee and what that fee get's you. Are they illegal? Unfortunately No, as long as it is disclosed. Increasingly, most Las Vegas hotels are refusing to remove fees when a customer complains.Īre the resort fees unethical? Yes.
It used to be all it took to have the fee waived was a polite complaint, but not anymore. Unfortunately more and more Las Vegas hotels are adopting this method of making extra profit and quietly imposing these unpopular surcharges. Resort fees are surcharges imposed by hotels to cover everything from local phone calls, online newspaper to guest use of the gym. Today, resort fees are charged at hotels with no real resort amenities for things like a safe in your room or your ability to make free local calls, which obviously you can do with your cell phone and in most cases don't even know any local residents to call anyway. But over the last few years, resort fees have started to pop up at hotels with no such facilities. Years ago, you mainly encountered resort fees at actual resort hotels properties with a golf course or tennis courts.
Analysts believe that at least 10 percent of the hotels in the United States currently charge resort fees. Las Vegas hotel resort fees is nothing new and Las Vegas hotels are not the only hotels that impose such a fee.